Dr Manisha Seth is an experienced faculty with an experience ranging from teaching, research,administration,conducting examinations and coordinating with the Universities.
Area of Interest: Operation Management, Operation Research, Financial Management, Project Management, Managerial Economics, Management of Working Capital Management, Supply Chain Management
Seth Manisha, Kiran Raviand Goyal, D.P(2017). Diminution of impediments in implementation of supply chain management information system for enhancing its effectiveness in Indian automobile industry. Journal of Global information management, 25(3)
Seth Manisha, Kiran Raviand Goyal, D.P (2015). Development of a model for successful implementation of supply chain management information system in Indian automotive industry. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 19(3)
Seth Manisha, Kiran Ravi and Goyal, D.P (2015). Implementation of supply chain management information system andorganisational success factors: An empirical analysis of the Indian automotive Industry. Indraprastha Journal of Management, 3(1), 21-33.
Seth Manisha, Kiran Raviand Goyal, D.P(2015) Identification of critical success factors for the implementation of supply chain management information system through SEM Approach . Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 15(6), 9-24.
Seth Manisha, Kiran Ravi and Goyal, D.P Critical Success Factors in Implementation of SCM Information Systems: A Theoretical Perspective. National Conference on Changing Perspective and Paradigms in Business and Behavioral Sciences April27-282012, 253-259.
Seth Manisha, Kiran Ravi and Goyal, D.P Waning the challenges in implementation of supply chain management information system – a study of Indian automobile industry. Global Conference on Managing In Recovering Markets March5-7, 2014
Seth Manisha, Kiran Ravi and Goyal, D.P Managing the implementation of supply chain management Information system through critical success factors framework in Indian automotive industry. International Conference on Changing Perspective and Paradigms in Business and Behavioral Sciences March 28-29 2014.