Dr. P. R. Singh has completed his Doctoral study (Ph.D.) in Commerce,
(Finance as specialization) & Post-graduate (Master Of Finance & Control)
from the Aligarh Muslim University (A.M.U.). He qualified the National
Eligibility Test (NET) exam conducted by University Grant Commission. He was
previously associated with AVAN & ASSOCIATES, (Chartered Accountant Firm) in
Aligarh and supervised numerous Statutory Audits, Concurrent Audits of
Nationalized Banks and Government Undertakings and Stock Audit & Cost
Accounting of various industries/ private concerns. He had an Industry
experience of 10 years and Research experience of 4 Years.
Dr. Singh is a research scholar and has published various research papers in
UGC approved Journals. He also took the session in Faculty Development
Programs organized by the Government of India and attended numerous
Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops illustrating attentiveness towards his
Singh, P. R. &Ahmad,
A., (2019). Investigating the effects of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) in
Pharmaceutical Industry in India: A comparative Study. International
Journal of Management Technology and Engineering (ISSN No: 22497455), IX
(IV),379-397. DOI:16.10089.IJMTE.2019.V9I4.19.27047
Singh, P. R.
&Amanullah, M., (2019). Investigating the effects of Demonetisation on
the stocks and other sectors: Why cashless is not necessarily
faultless”, Universal Review (ISSN/ E-ISSN No: 22772723/ 22772726). 10
(5), 35-42.